What is really holding you back?
The weight you carry — physically and mentally — might be what’s holding you back.
I remember standing over my suitcase, debating whether to take just one more thing. I had already packed way too much, but my brain couldn't stop thinking, What if you need it?
So, in went the extra jacket. And another shirt. And — why not — an extra pair of jeans for the shirt, just in case.
Fast-forward to the trip, and I found myself frustrated.
I didn't have what I needed, not because I had too much. Lugging my suitcase through the airport, squeezing it into overhead compartments, struggling to roll it down uneven sidewalks — it was all unnecessary.
Every extra item I had packed became one more thing to carry, one more thing to dig through, and one more thing slowing me down.
I lugged the suitcase through the airport and unpacked it upon arrival, only to repack half unworn clothes. Overpacking was an added burden I could have done without.
It's the same kind of unnecessary weight we carry when we let others wreak havoc on our carefully constructed boundaries.
Too many yeses, not enough nos.
Every unplanned commitment is like the extra piece of clothing I added to my suitcase. Pretty soon you add so much that you are dragging yourself down, making it harder to move forward to the things that bring you joy and energy.
Here’s the thing — your journey is what you make of it based on what you intentionally choose to carry. Just like packing a light bag makes running through the airport that much easier. Freeing you up to take the time for things you enjoy instead of squeezing in one more thing.
Ask yourself, is it really worth the time and effort?
Because at the end of the day if saying no makes someone upset, that’s their emotion to handle — not yours. Let them feel how they feel and move on.
When you travel — and live — with intention, you create space for the experiences, people, and opportunities that actually make your journey worthwhile.
➡️ *If you’ve ever packed your schedule with ‘just in case’ commitments, it might be time to start unpacking. Join the Digital Navigator HQ to unpack some of that baggage.